Learning CSharp basics part-3 Array, List, foreach loop
list and array in CSharp
Array and List are used to store multiple values in a single variable. The values stored in an array are generally related in contrast to list which can hold values with different data types. Both array and list use a zero-based numeric index to access their elements.
Differences between Array and List
Array and list are two different data structure in C#.
- Array is fixed-sized meaning, you can’t add or remove elements after instantiation.
- List is dynamic size and it can grow or shrink in size by adding or removing elements.
- Array’s elements are of the same data type
- List is a generic collection, meaning it can hold elements of any type.
- Array is more performant
Create/Instantiate an array: To instantiate an array you can use “new” keyword + data type + size/quantity. And it is not possible to add more items to the array than it’s defined size/quantity.
// data_type[] array_name = new data_type[size];
string[] cars = new string[3];
Assign values to array:
cars[0] = "Toyota";
cars[1] = "Nissan";
cars[2] = "Kia";
Console.WriteLine($"Third Car is: {cars[2]}");
Initialize an array:
string[] cars = {"Toyota", "Nissan", "Kia"};
Console.WriteLine($"Third Car is: {cars[2]}");
Length of array:
Console.WriteLine($"There are {cars.Length} brands of cars in parking.");
Create/Instantiate a List:
List<string> cars = new List<string>();
Adding values to list using Add():
Removing values from list using Remove():
Length of list:
Console.WriteLine($"There are {cars.Count} brands of cars in parking.");
Both array and list are zero-based indexed so you can access their elements or loop through them the same.
Reassign the value of an array or list:
cars[2] = "Hyundai";
Console.WriteLine($"Third Car is: {cars[2]}");
// output: Third Car is: Hyundai
foreach loop
foreach loop has the same syntax as any other foreach loop in C family languages.
Loop through array or list with foreach:
// array
// int[] tempraturs = {22, 26, 25, 40};
// list
List<int> tempraturs = new List<int> {22, 26, 25, 40};
int sum_temp = 0;
// foreach loop is the same for both array and list
foreach (int temp in tempraturs)
sum_temp += temp;
// For arrays you can use array.Length
decimal average_temp = (decimal)sum_temp / tempraturs.Length;
// For lists you can use List.Count
decimal average_temp2 = (decimal)sum_temp / tempraturs.Count;